Grant News!
Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

On December 28, 2023 the Friend Historical Society (FHS) was notified the grant application submitted in partnership with the City of Friend was approved. The grant amount from the NE Dept of Economic Development was $400,000 and with the required match raised by the FHS of $100,000 makes a total of $500,000.
The grant provides funding for the “first phase” of the South addition to the Warren Building. This addition when completed will provide ADA accommodations. These accommodations include a south entrance, parking and an elevator to enter the second floor-Opera House. The current estimate for the entire addition is $1.7 million.
The “first phase” includes site demolition, helical piles supports, footings, steps, paving, walks, ramps, steel supports, double door exit, below slab preparations for the elevator, etc. The structure is being constructed in phases due to building costs.
What exciting news to begin 2024!